About Us
Coleraine Free Presbyterian Church (Co Londonderry, N.Ireland, UK)
is Fundamental in Doctrine, believing in the divine authority and
verbal inspiration of the Bible, and the great fundamental doctrines
of grace it contains. The Scriptures alone are the supreme authority
in matters of faith and practice. The Free Presbyterian Church uses
only the Authorized Version (KJV) of the Bible.
We are separatist in Practice, believing and practicing the doctrine
of Biblical separatism. In accordance with this, the Free Presbyterian
Church has no association with the modern Ecumenical or Charismatic
movements, nor will it fellowship with any church which has departed
from the fundamental doctrines of the Word of God.
Where to find us...
The separatist witness of the Free Presbyterian Church in Coleraine,
Co Londonderry, N.Ireland, owes its origin to a gospel mission conducted
in the Town Hall by Dr. Ian. R. K. Paisley and the Rev. John Wylie
which commenced on the 6th January 1957. Following a request by
Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Dinsmore, Mr. Reynolds, Mr. McIlreavy and Mr.
McDermott it was decided to form a congregation of the Free Presbyterian
The first meetings were held on Sunday the 10th February at 12
noon and 6.30 pm Dr. Paisley preaching at both services. On Tuesday
the 12th Dr. Paisley informed the congregation that their application
to Presbytery had been successful and they were accepted as a member
church of the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster.
The Rev. John Wylie was placed in the position of Interim Moderator.
A temporary committee was set up including; Mr. T McLaughlin, Mr.
T. Dinsmore, Mr. C. Reynolds, Mr. S. McIlreavy, Mr. H. McDermott,
Mr. W.R. Haire, Mr. D. McIntyre and Mr. J. McBride. Miss. Rachel
Pollock was appointed organist and Sunday School teacher.
The fledgling congregation met in the Coleraine Premier Pigeon
Society Hall at Martin's Brae, remaining there until the 1st October
1960. On Tuesday 3rd November 1959 the Rev. Wylie informed the Committee
that premises had been purchased from Messers.T.D. McFarlane &
Son at Hanover Place at the cost of £1200.
One year later the congregation were able to move to the new location
as a major re-roofing job had to be done. Saturday 1st October was
set as the official opening date, followed by a gospel mission.
The first two elders installed were Mr. Hugh Crowe and Mr. Samuel
McIlreavy. Rev. John Wylie received the call from the congregation
to be their minister and was duly installed on Friday 4th September
In 1981 the congregation moved to Killowen Orange Hall. On Saturday
25th April 1982.The Moderator cut the first sod on the new site
which was purchased from the Department of the Environment Roads
The new building was officially opened on Saturday 16th October
after The Rev Wylie handed the key to the Moderator. Over 900 people
packed the new building on Loughan Hill.
Following the opening a Gospel Campaign was held under the ministry
of Rev. John Morrow at which some seventy souls professed faith
in Christ as Lord and Saviour.
Ministers who have served the congregation.
Rev. John Wylie was placed in the congregation as interim
moderator in February 1957 and was subsequently installed as minister
on Friday 4th September 1964, his last service being on Sunday 15th
August 1971. After a short period of vacancy Mr Ian McVeigh
was ordained and installed to the ministry in the church and continued
until February 1980. On 28th November 1980 Rev. George Whyte
was declared to be the next minister of the church and continued
in this role until March 2000 when he took up the ministry in Donaghadee
Free Presbyterian Church. Rev. Alan Lamont was installed
on 14th June 2001 having previously ministered in Garvagh
Free Presbyterian Church and continued as minister until April
The current minister, Rev. Roger Higginson was ordained
and installed on 28th November 2008. Some sample videos of Rev.
Higgginson's sermons are presented below.
Untitled Document
Five Beholds
| Rev. Roger Higginson
The Wise Men from the East
| Rev. Roger Higginson
Things That Won't Be in Heaven
| Rev. Roger Higginson
Foxes and Firebrands
| Rev. Roger Higginson
Sin Washed Clean - Includes the Testimony of Stephen Cassells
| Rev. Roger Higginson
Seeing Jesus
| Rev. Roger Higginson
The Basis for Christian Unity (Part 2)
| Rev. Roger Higginson
Knowing Christ
| Rev. Roger Higginson